
Road Conditions to Copan Ruinas

MAPA Copan

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What are the road conditions to Copan Ruinas>? This one is at the top of our FAQ, most frequently asked questions. Short answer is coming from any point from honduras the only road that heads to Copan Ruinas is CA11, CA11 is only a 59 km drive road that comes off CA4.

In the year 2019 two big companies bid to rebuild these 59km, both companies were awarded to rebuild using hydraulic concrete. Argos is the company which was granted to build the last stretch of the road from Los Ranchos to Copan Ruinas.
They were perfectly inaugurated and people were delighted to have a brand new road until hurricanes ETA & OITA hit the country. Setting us back almost to the previous conditions. And that should summarize only these 59 km from La Entrada Copan to Copan Ruinas.

Coming from San Pedro Sula to Copan Ruinas is a 170 km drive, but as we mentioned only 59 km are a new road. The remainder 110 km from La entrada to San Pedro sula is another story, being a 25 year old road.
Driving these 110 km is an adventure on its own. Speed bumps, pot holes that form overnight during rainy season. permanent repairs underway, it helps when you drive this road twice a week, you learn by memory how to drive around the bad areas.
If you drive renting a car be prepared to drive at 40 km an hour. Or hire a private shuttle service.

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