
Collars, 50 years in the making

MAPA Copan

Today we bring you the story of Mrs Dilia Lucero. We had the opportunity to visit her shop and see her in action as she has been for the last 50 years.
She is one good example of hard work and dedication as she makes every collars with her own hands, many shops buy directly from her by the dozens, and she was happy to share with us her next order in the making. She sends her greetings to the people who came 50 years ago and received some induction to start in these business.
With the sight on an eagle she threads the needle without the need of glasses at 74 years of age she remains in high spirits and her humble origins and hard working family sends her greetings to all travelers who :” maybe bought on of her pieces from her children who are now grown adults and make a living in other modest activities.
She asked us of a remote chance that anyone can help her buy a dremmel, a machine to help her make the holes in some hard seeds she receives, she wants to keep going and no signs of stoping. Her phone number is also available in case you want to help

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