
El Mal Paso

MAPA Copan

We all suffer and have suffered the inclemencies of weather, all businesses and local attractions, the road has been a bad road since i can remember, and i am 45 years old. The path of the road has been changed a couple of times in my lifetime.

I am sure our authorities have stressed to the proper channels of communication or worked up the ladder to be heard about this pressing issue. With rainy season coming up everyone is worried we will be left without a road, as time passes everyone expects the road to be fixed for good.
In this archives photos we show in green solid line the original road before hurricane Mitch in 1998, in the yellow dotted line the road built after hurricane Mitch. Some archives photos are also shown showing how minor repairs are done when they happen. sometimes holding the lines to this ONLY ONE ROAD to border el florido. Please see in the photos all the heavy equipment that transits this patch of road called El MAL PASO, in red.

In the photo we also show the now empty construction plant left by the company that built the road. It is a guarded place with high expectations the company will come back to do repairs. In the meantime and while details are finalized the road suffers from every storm and local tv and media broadcaster rush to the place every time it rains. !!!

If you are traveling to Copan know this, most road fixes take only a few minutes or a couple of hours, and anyone in town is willing to lend a hand to go pick you up from this point to town and accommodate you in your hotels and then help with luggage. ANYONE !!!

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